
Encouragement For Working Moms

Find uplifting quotes, inspiring stories, and positive affirmations to boost your mood and navigate working mom challenges. Get your daily dose of shine at Mom's Glow.

  • working mom guilt

    What Is Working Mom Guilt Monster And How To Slay It?

    Working mom guilt steals your mom’s bliss. You know you’re doing your best, your kids are thriving, but that guilt monster rears its ugly head, triggered by a casual comment or social media scroll. In a fraction of a second, it drops you down from a happy and fulfilled working mom to a depressed overwhelmed working mom. It has happened to you a million times, and you might even have…

  • how to get over mom guilt

    How to Get Over Mom Guilt for Working: 11 Practical Tips To Hush Doubts

    Working mom guilt, that persistent monster under your bed, can leave you drained. But you are not powerless against it! In our previous post on working mom guilt, we talked about its common triggers, origins, and toxic effects on your family. Today’s post is on how to get over mom guilt and stop wasting your God-given potential on doubts.  We will equip you with actionable strategies to reframe your thoughts,…

  • quotes for working moms

    50+ Strong Quotes for Working Moms to Encourage Those Losing Heart and Tired

    As my 1.5-year-old hung on me while I was working on this blog post, I remembered one of the quotes for working moms, which says,  “Motherhood is the exquisite inconvenience of being another person’s everything.”  Every moment I am out there pursuing my career, there is a demanding little one (or two) for whom I am everything at this very moment. Juggling work and motherhood is not for the faint…