solo date ideas

Solo Date Ideas For Moms to Reclaim That Elusive “Me Time”

Solo date ideas? Seriosly? Who wants to date oneself? I want to…

The idea of this post was born in one of those frustrating moments when I suddenly felt like I was losing myself. Taking care of my family consumed all of me, leaving nothing for myself. I used to neglect my own needs and interests for so long that I had almost forgotten who I was.

For me as a working mom, the me-time was always elusive, so I decided I needed to be more deliberate in planning that great solo date escape. Even if it was going to last for an hour.

It worked wonders, and since then solo dates have become my sacred (secret?) space to recharge, rediscover my true self, and return to my family brimming with renewed energy.

I’ve got tons of solo date ideas for you too, mom, in case you decide you need alone time from family whether it is a self-love-loaded spa ritual or just a silly escape to the nearest coffee shop.

Below are some solo date ideas crafted just for you — every budget, every schedule, every craving. So ditch the guilt, grab your calendar, and dare to date yourself to reconnect with your inner self. Reclaim that woman, friend, and creator within you that you put on the back burner.

A solo date is in no way selfish. In fact, it is a therapy for tired and depleted moms, a healing alone time that helps you switch between the “survive” and “thrive” modes of motherhood.

What is a solo date (in a hectic mom’s world)?

A solo date is a date with yourself where you treat yourself to something you love, want, or need. Moreover, it is a date when you celebrate yourself, your achievements, and your goals. Whether you want to pamper, spoil, challenge yourself, or learn something new (including about yourself) — it’s all up to you. So grab our solo date ideas and go reclaim your joyful roar!

Four reasons why moms need alone time

Here’s why a mom should take a break before she breaks:

Reason 1. Solo self care dates are more than just a break from the routine.

In fact, they’re a journey of self-discovery. Spending time alone allows you to reconnect with that interesting lady within you, explore your passions, and rediscover who you are beyond the roles of wife, mother, and employee. 

Reason 2. To give away, moms need to have it in the first place.

We juggle schedules, manage emotions, and navigate challenges, all while carrying the invisible weight of expectations. However, just like a vase, a resource-depleted mom eventually reaches her tipping point and breaks. She is no longer capable of holding a thing, neither water nor blooms. Ultimately, she needs to be mended to become whole again and to be able to keep it all together. What makes her whole again? Knowing that SHE IS LOVED.

It’s important to show yourself the same love and care you give to your loved ones. This is what self care dates are about.

Reason 3. Moms need to learn the simple joy of being present with themselves.

I know mothers who struggle to relax and simply enjoy themselves when they are away from their homes (even if it’s only a mile away), but at the same time, they crave their “me time” more than anything else.  

This inner conflict can be solved only by practicing solo dates and making them a normal part of life. Like doing dishes.

Reason 4. Moms need to feel beautiful.

Ladies are ladies, and nothing will change that. If a lady needs to get her nails or hair done, she has to. Period.

Solo date ideas: benefits of “me time” you didn’t know about

1. Mental and emotional recharge

Constant responsibilities can eventually drain a mom’s mental and emotional resources. Solo time allows her to de-stress, recharge her batteries, and return to her family more patient, loving, and present.

2. Improved physical health

Stress can wreak havoc on the body, impacting sleep, digestion, and overall health. Solo time can help a mom manage stress, potentially leading to improved physical health and even boosting her immune system.

solo date for a mom
Image: Pexels

3. Creative spark and self-discovery

Taking a break from routine allows a mom to rediscover her passions and hobbies. It can ignite new ideas for work and life, boost problem-solving skills, and create a deeper connection with her inner self. Away from the daily grind, she rediscovers her talents and desires, which leads to greater self-awareness.

4. Stronger relationships

A happy and fulfilled mom is a better mom. Solo time allows her to nurture her happiness and well-being, which translates into stronger connections with her loved ones, creating a ripple effect of positivity.

5. Better role model

By prioritizing her self-care, a mom shows their children the importance of self-respect and personal fulfillment. Eventually, this will have a lasting positive impact on the entire family.

6. Mom guilt kicked to the curb

Interestingly, the mere idea of a solo date induces mom guilt, but, at the same time, a solo date is one of the best ways to quell it. Prioritizing “me time” isn’t selfish because this act of self-love helps you become a better version of yourself for others. So a solo date (when a woman craves this time on her own) is actually where self-love translates into LOVE.

7. Improved relationship with God

God wants you to be alone to talk to you privately. It’s not that He cannot speak to you in the chaos of your daily mom life, but we definitely hear Him more clearly when we are not rushing anywhere, in the silence of our hearts.  

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solo date ideas for moms on a budget
Image: Pexels

Solo date ideas for moms on a budget

Money tight? No worries! The beauty of solo dates lies in their simplicity. For a perfect solo date, you need YOU and something pleasant. Here are some budget-friendly ideas to spark your imagination:

Free museum days

Explore art, history, or science at local museums offering free admission days.

Sunrise stroll

Greet the day with a walk in the park, soaking in the quiet beauty of nature and your thoughts. Enjoy the fresh air, the sunshine, and the scenery. Listen to the birds, smell the flowers, and feel the breeze. You can also take some photos, collect some leaves, or pick some berries.

Library lounge

Get lost in a good book at your local library, a treasure trove of knowledge and cozy corners.

Picnic in the park

Pack a simple lunch, find a sunny spot, and enjoy the fresh air and people-watching.

Bookstore browse

Get lost among the shelves of a bookstore. Discover a new author, delve into a genre you haven’t explored, and treat yourself to the luxurious weight of a brand-new book. Ask the staff for recommendations or join their reading club for additional literary fuel. A tip: grab a cozy corner and enjoy a few pages before purchasing your book.

Bike ride

Grab your bike and enjoy a ride around your block, to the nearest park, or just along your street. You decide how long, how far, and how extreme this ride will be. This is my favorite solo date idea when I want to get my head straight and have some alone time. Since I live in the countryside, I usually go to the pond or the fields. For me as a mom, this is the best escape to clear my head.

Bookish bliss

Join a local book club or start your own! Discuss intriguing literature, connect with fellow readers, and broaden your literary horizons. 

cheap solo date ideas for moms
Image: Pexels

Walking and wondering

It is the easiest solo date idea that works for every mom. If you are fed up with home routines, the best you can do is to go out for an hour. Lace up your shoes and go somewhere new. Get some fresh air, observe your surroundings, take pictures of things that inspire you, and simply be present in the moment.

Singing your heart out

This solo date idea is my favorite when I need to let loose or maybe even cry a bit. Sit in your car, blast your favorite worship music, and sing your heart out. No one hears you except the One you are singing for, so no need to worry about singing off-key. It’s so liberating. Who cares if you sound like a dying whale? It’s your car, your rules! This makes singing is a perfect way to pour out your heart to God, cry out cortisol, and recharge.

Lending a hand

At first glance, spending a day volunteering doesn’t feel like a proper idea for “me time”. However, it’s a false impression. Giving back to your community makes you feel useful and important and boosts your self-esteem. Lend a helping hand at a local shelter, food bank, or community organization. 

Stargazing solace

Escape the city lights and find a quiet spot to gaze at the stars. Download a stargazing app to identify constellations, relax under the vastness of the universe, and reconnect with nature’s awe-inspiring beauty. A tip: pack a comfy blanket, hot cocoa, and a journal to document your celestial observations.

Self care date ideas

Sweet slumber – this tends to be my favorite solo date idea recently 😉

It is a perfect solo date idea when everything you crave is uninterrupted sleep. Make sure your room is dark, quiet, and cool for optimal sleep conditions. A tip: use a sleep mask or earplugs to block out any external noise. Loop Quiet is my favorite!

Digital detox delight

Power down your devices and disconnect from the digital world. Go for walks, read books, reconnect with nature, and embrace the peace of silence. Leave your phone at home and rediscover the joy of unscripted moments. 

Bathtime story

Fill your tub with bubbles, light candles, and lose yourself in a good book or calming music. Let the warm water melt away stress and rejuvenate your body and soul. Add essential oils (this lavender oil is something undescribable) or bath salts for extra relaxation. A tip: turn off your phone and disconnect from any digital distractions for a truly immersive experience.

Stretch and soothe

Improve your flexibility and de-stress with a home stretching routine. Use an app or YouTube video for guidance, focusing on gentle movements and mindful breathing.

Mani-pedi solo date

Choose vibrant colors and relaxing hand massages, and enjoy the feeling of polished perfection. Ask for hot stone treatments or paraffin dips for an extra touch of indulgence. A tip: bring a good book or listen to your favorite music while enjoying your pampering session.

"me time" for moms
Image: Pexels

Color me calm

Unwind with a stress-relief affirmation coloring book and colored pens. There is a huge variety of affirmation coloring books for women, but I want everything I do to serve a bigger purpose (even if it’s just coloring to unwind), so I find this Color the Words of Jesus: A Christian Coloring Book more calming and building up.  

Yoga or fitness class 

Undoubtedly, physical activity is a perfect way to sweat those worries away and discover a new sense of confidence and strength. Explore different styles and instructors, discover a hidden love for Zumba, or challenge yourself with a power yoga session.

Solo swim  

Swimming is a great way to cool off, relax, and have fun whether it is a pool, a lake, a river, or an ocean. Lap through sparkling water, feel the weightless freedom, and let the rhythmic strokes wash away every worry. You can also experiment with water sports like kayaking, surfing, or snorkeling.

Cheap solo date ideas at home

Culinary solo

Whip up a gourmet meal just for you! Experiment with a new recipe (or new cuisine) and enjoy the peace of cooking at your own pace.

solo date ideas for moms at home
Image: Pexels

Lazy bookworm morning

Wake up before your family and sip coffee while you lose yourself in a captivating novel.

Creative outlet

Unleash your inner artist with free online tutorials or grab some crayons and let your imagination run wild. You can draw, paint, sketch, color, or doodle and use any materials you have, such as paper, pencils, crayons, markers, or stickers. Also, you can try some crafts, such as knitting, crocheting, sewing, or origami.

Glamorous glow-up

Put on your favorite outfit, do your hair and makeup, and take gorgeous selfies or portraits. Play empowering music and celebrate your beauty.

Dance party for one

Crank up the music and unleash your inner dancer in the privacy of your home. Let loose, embrace the rhythm, and laugh at your own moves. A tip: make it a cardio workout by adding some jumping jacks or squats between dance breaks.

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

Make bright makeup and enjoy a one-on-one pep talk with yourself in the mirror (ensure you are alone!). Thank yourself for being good to others, for the great job done both at home and at work, and for the small steps (valuable traits and habits) you have already done. 

If done right (as a kind and honest self-talk), such self-encouragement helps you reconnect with the person you already are as opposed to the persona dictated by social media and society.

me time ideas for moms
Image: Pexels

TED talk time

Tune into a TED Talk and soak up inspiring ideas, thought-provoking perspectives, and empowering messages. Learn something new, expand your horizons, and get fired up about your passions.

Memory lane magic

Go through old photos and relive happy memories to celebrate milestones and cherish the bonds with loved ones. A tip: create a digital photo album (using a digital photo frame with a slideshow feature, for example) or a scrapbook to preserve your precious memories.

Decluttering and dreaming

Tackle a cluttered space in your home. Sort through belongings, discard outdated items (or those that no longer give you positive emotions), and create room for new experiences. Check out my post on the famous Konmari decluttering method invented by Marie Kondo.


Time alone with God helps me quell the storm of thoughts and get refilled with peace. I love telling Him about my dreams, and the more I speak about them, the better I understand what I truly want and who I want to be. To me, prayer is the best way to organize my thoughts. If you are not a believer, meditate or write a gratitude journal. 

Medium-priced solo date ideas

Big screen escape

Immerse yourself in a world of laughter, adventure, or thought-provoking drama. Catch a matinee for discounted rates and fewer crowds.

Green therapy

Channel your inner gardener! Plant a container garden, flowers, herbs, or even repot your favorite houseplant. Start small with low-maintenance plants and invest in good soil and drainage solutions.

Farmer’s market feast

Explore local produce, fill your basket with fresh seasonal delicacies, and create a gourmet meal with your finds. A tip: bring reusable bags and containers to minimize waste.

Dancing like nobody’s watching

Download a fitness dancing app and let loose! Groove to the beat and get your heart rate up while you unleash your inner dancing queen.

Snack board cinema

Make yourself a gourmet snack board filled with your favorite treats. Then pair it with a binge-worthy show or a captivating book and indulge in an evening of pure pleasure.

Bloom power

Buy yourself a bouquet of gorgeous flowers or pick wildflowers from a nearby park. Bring vibrant colors and fresh scents into your home and enjoy the beauty of nature.

Going on a staycation

Unleash your inner explorer, right in your backyard. Book a staycation at a unique local Airbnb. Find a cozy cabin in the woods, a chic city loft, or a quirky treehouse – the possibilities are endless! Recharge your batteries, rediscover your city with fresh eyes, and return home re-energized (and guilt-free!). 

Live music or theater

Immerse yourself in the magic of live performance, a captivating escape from the everyday.

Cooking class

Master a new dish (and ditch the dinnertime drama!) with a solo cooking class. Roll up your sleeves, learn knife skills from the pros, and savor the fruits (and veggies!) of your labor with newfound confidence. 

Day trip to a nearby town

Explore a new place, discover hidden gems, and treat yourself to a delicious lunch at a local cafe.

Dance class 

Search for dance classes available in your location and tap into a solo date unlike any other. Zumba’s fiery beats or graceful moves of ballroom dancing – pick your poison! Learning new moves challenges your brain to forge new neural pathways, enhancing memory and keeping your mind sharp. It also improves coordination, builds strength, and ignites forgotten muscles. 

me time ideas for moms
Image: Pexels

Candlelit dinner at your favorite cafe

Dress up, grab a book, and savor a gourmet solo date at your go-to cafe. Then unwind over slow sips, savor the silence, and return home a present, pampered mama (with happy taste buds!).

Solo date ideas winter list

Cozy solo coffee date

Visit a local coffee shop with a fireplace (bonus points for comfy armchairs!), grab a delicious coffee, and indulge in some creative journaling, sketching, or coloring.

Winter window shopping

Bundle up in your warmest coat and stroll through a festively decorated area. Window shop at cute boutiques, admire the holiday displays and maybe treat yourself to a small gift (you deserve it!).

Winter baking

Fill your home with delicious smells and indulge in some baking therapy. Experiment with a new winter recipe or whip up a classic comfort food like cookies, brownies, or a warm pot pie.

Sauna or hot soak solo date

Sauna definitely has its fans around the globe. In winter months, pamper yourself with a soak or sauna. Heat helps us relax, relieves muscle tension, and melts away stress and toxins. Polish with a long shower and some exfoliating scrub, and you are like new! 

Snow fun date

Remember the time when you were a kid? Meet the snow outside to make a snowman and snow angels. Complete with taking snowy photos, a hot cocoa, and a good book. This feels a bit nostalgic but rejuvenates better than everything else.

Solo snowshoeing 

Escape the winter blues with a solo snowshoeing adventure. Enjoy the peace and quiet of the snowy landscape. Many ski areas offer groomed trails for a safe and enjoyable experience. Just remember to bundle up and stay warm!

Solo date ideas Reddit insights

Hitting a new restaurant

Go check out that new restaurant everyone is talking about! Whether you crave a juicy steak at a dimly lit steakhouse, a bowl of expertly crafted pasta, or the freshest sushi in town, dining alone offers the perfect opportunity to savor your meal without distractions and treat yourself to something you cannot cook from scratch by yourself!

“I recently took myself to a nicer restaurant (moody lighting and good food, but not like white tablecloth classy) and brought a book that I’ve been reading. I got an appetizer and a cocktail and sat in a comfy corner booth and just enjoyed myself for an hour. That was great!” – Reddit

Photography solo

Want to escape the chaos for a bit? Grab your camera and hit the road. Explore your neighborhood or a nearby park. It’s a chance to clear your head and capture life’s little moments without the pressure of the perfect Instagram shot. Remember, the best photos are often the ones you take for yourself. So capture the moment not likes. 

Thrift store therapy

Thrift stores are mysterious places. You never know what you might find there. Plus, it’s a great way to save money and give old things a new life. Who knows, you might even find that perfect vintage piece you’ve been searching for! Secondhand bookstores can be great places where you can unleash your inner so frugal but so hungry bookworm.

Solo brunch 

Tired of waiting for a table with a crowd? Enjoy the perks of dining solo! Skip the line and savor a delicious brunch without the chaos. To a working mom like me, brunch is a perfect way to eat delicious food without any stress and cooking. Usually, I do it after hitting a gym.   

Self-care spa night 

Need more solo date ideas at home? Transform your bathroom into a self-care sanctuary. Grab your favorite face mask, bath bombs, and skincare products. Light some candles, play soft music, and indulge in a relaxing bath or shower. Exfoliate, shave, apply a hair mask, and paint your nails. Complete the experience with cozy pajamas, a good book, and your favorite snacks. 

Baking solo

If you are not a baking enthusiast but want that intoxicating scent to fill your home, grab some slice-and-bake cookies from the store (I know for sure that Target has some) and get ready for a comforting treat.

Pizza night

Order your favorite pizza, curl up on the couch, and enjoy some uninterrupted me-time while watching your favorite show or challenging your mind with a documentary.

Joining a themed class

Classes have become a cool way for professionals to share their mastery and for regular people to try something new and unwind. Feeling bored at home? This solo date ideas from a Reddit user can be a source of inspiration:

“I’m friends with a few flower farmers who have events on their farms… One is an art teacher and she has a bouquet class, then instructs you through painting your bouquet. The other collaborates with other instructors who use her space and materials, so she’ll have a bigger variety of options like botanically dyed scarves, creating flower crowns, pressed flower art, designing your own tea, etc. I’ve seen candle-making, pottery, soap-making, and sign customizing, too. They’re usually small classes so people come in singles or pairs and you can keep to yourself and do your thing or socialize if you’d like.”

Solo date ideas on a VIP budget

Ready to truly indulge and recharge your batteries in style? Then here are some luxurious solo date ideas for your inner princess:

Weekend getaway

Escape the daily grind with a solo retreat to a charming bed and breakfast, a cozy cabin in the woods, or a luxurious hotel spa.

how to enjoy alone time
Image: Pexels

Private chef experience

Book a private chef, watch culinary artistry unfold in your own dining room, and indulge in personalized gourmet magic. No grocery lists and dishes, just delicious bites, captivating conversation, and a few secret recipes up your sleeve. 

Hot air balloon ride

Soar above the world, taking in breathtaking views and enjoying the thrill of adventure. Watch landscapes unfurl like watercolor paintings, mountains graze the clouds, and feel the rush of freedom with every gentle gust.

Solo safari

Immerse yourself in the raw, untamed beauty of a solo safari. Imagine the thrill of tracking rhinos across savannas, feeling the earth rumble beneath an elephant’s majestic stride, or catching the fiery glint of a lion’s gaze amidst golden grasslands.

Your canvas? Opt for the classic jeep safari, saddle up for an equestrian adventure, or even embark on a majestic elephant-back journey – the choice is yours.

Luxury shopping spree

Update your wardrobe, binge home decor inspiration, or simply enjoy the window displays. Set a budget beforehand and focus on unique pieces or experiences over impulse buys. A tip: check out vintage shops or local artisan markets for one-of-a-kind finds.

Personal development workshop

Ditch the mommy guilt, swap playdates for power poses in a life coaching session, or escape to a transformative retreat. Reclaim your inner fire, unlock hidden strengths, and finally, return home a radiant mamapreneur.

Spa retreat

A spa retreat is a great way to pamper and rejuvenate yourself through spa treatments, such as massages, facials, or body wraps. Choose your bliss, be it a luxury resort with opulent therapies, a rustic wellness center whispering nature’s tranquility, or a holistic sanctuary promising deep inner restoration.

how to enjoy alone time
Image: Pexels

Swapping Netflix for masterpieces

Ditch the binge-watching and trade screen time for an art odyssey. This solo museum or gallery date isn’t just about ticking cultural boxes. It is about igniting your imagination, expanding your horizons, and returning home with a head full of inspiration and a heart brimming with stories whispered by brushstrokes and sculptures.

Solo golf adventure

Hone your skills on scenic fairways or crisp courts (if tennis is your cup of tea), customizing your experience with equipment that reflects your style and instructors who cater to your level. 

Solo date ideas: how to silence mom guilt?

All moms know the thing that can step on their moment. It is mom guilt known as a feeling of being not good enough, unable to measure up to meet the standards, and thus, unworthy of pleasures outside your family. 

Mom guilt steals your moments of self-care, whispering that indulging in solo dates undermines your dedication as a mother or (a more holy argument) your Christian lifestyle.

This is a lie moms should never give in. God loves you with a love you cannot even embrace, and He wants you to feel worthy of proper care. Think about how you care for your most valuable household tools. God wants to take care of His valuable tool (YOU!) too, because He has so much great work for you ahead.

Here’s how to mute mom guilt for having self care dates:

Communicate openly

Explain to your family the importance of your solo dates and schedule them like any other appointment. Choose a time that works for everyone, such as when your kids are at school, your husband is at work, or your family is asleep. Inform your family about your “me time” plans, such as where you are going, what you are doing, and when you are coming back.

Start small

Baby steps are key! Begin with 30 minutes of reading in the park, and then gradually build your solo date ideas repertoire.

Forget “selfish”

Remind yourself of the positive impact “me time” has on you and your family. You are not selfish, but self-caring. Not irresponsible, but responsible. You are a human being, not a machine. You have your own needs and interests, not just your family’s, so you need that “me time” to recharge, refresh, and renew yourself.

Solo date ideas: how to make them “work” for a working mom?

How can you find some time for yourself amid your hectic and demanding life?

  • Plan and schedule. Treat your “me time” like any other important appointment. Block out time in your calendar and stick to it.
  • Disconnect and unwind. Put your phone away, silence notifications, and allow yourself to be fully present in the moment.
  • Be open to new experiences. Step outside your comfort zone and try something new. You might discover a hidden passion!
  • Savor the journey. Never rush through your solo date. Instead, take time to appreciate the little things and let yourself truly relax and recharge.
  • Reflect and journal. After your date, take some time to reflect on your experience. What did you learn about yourself? How do you feel? Fixing experiences in a journal can help you process your emotions and deepen your understanding.
solo date ideas at home
Image: Pexels

Solo date night? Or maybe better a morning solo date?

Enjoying quality “me time” is real even for a working mom if you make it a routine. For example, waking up earlier than your kids and husband as a part of your morning routine gives you much-desired quality alone time before the day starts. Without a doubt, it is a perfect opportunity to start the day on your terms. 

I used to be a “five o’clock mom” for many years. At that time in my life, early rising was the only opportunity for me to work. I was wondering, 


“If a woman can wake up 3 hours earlier for work, then she definitely can wake up 30-40 minutes earlier for dating herself.” 

If you have more than one child and unless you are a night owl on energy drinks, I can imagine your evenings are hard. You are already tired, your family is at home and needs you, while you have tons of things to do before going to bed. This makes carving time for a self date night much more difficult. If you are an early bird like me, bet on morning solo dates.

You don’t need 100 solo date ideas, but only one that works for you!

If you are trapped in the daily grind, our solo date ideas can help you unwind. However, no solo date idea is perfect, and sometimes, a solo date might NOT look like a spa day or a hike in the woods. Alternatively, it might be a whispered conversation with a friend, a heartfelt phone call with your sister, or simply carving out 10 minutes for a prayer in your bedroom. You will never be bored when you are by yourself because God created you beautifully.

Share your favorite solo date ideas with us!

Every mom has her favorite go-to ways to unwind. Share “date yourself ideas” in the comments!

If you loved this post on solo date ideas, grab more inspiration:

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Solo Date Ideas For Moms to Reclaim That Elusive “Me Time”
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Solo Date Ideas For Moms to Reclaim That Elusive “Me Time”
The article features a collection of solo date ideas for tired, overwhelmed moms and some tips how to silence mom guilt for enjoying self care and me time.

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